Thursday, 29 September 2016


If you are wondering why I have not posted anything for ages it is because someone has put a block on my ideas most people would blame a god of some description but since I am agnostic I do not have that luxury.  Instead I will blame the Multiverse in general, it should adhere to the correct entity responsible eventually.

What is that saying:

"If you wait long enough the head your enemy will float down the river in front of you...."
I assume that I would have to live by a river and sit on a bench beside it plus hopefully the river does not have a fast current otherwise I might missed if it passed by too quickly.  What happens if I am at work then I am bound to miss it, perhaps I could re-engineer the river so that stuff that is as big as a human head (assuming of course my enemy is human) travels on a loop which would increase the chances of me seeing it pass in front of me whilst I am sitting on the bench.

I know what you are thinking that this saying was probably not meant to be taken literally but if not literally does that mean that if I wait long enough then my enemy will be defeated if so how will I know?  If waited too long then I would be dead too!

As sayings goes it is not very helpful at all.

The thing is all rivers ultimately end up in one place, the sea okay I will admit some end up in lakes as well but effectively it will be a large body of water.  Which means the saying it inaccurate unless you know for a fact your enemy lives upstream to you and never travels downstream to you.

Perhaps if I wait long enough I will see the head of my enemy stitched onto another body entirely.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Cause and Effect

Why oh why do people have absolutely no common sense and can the eurosceptics be that dumb? Or is that so that they can paid for talking complete nonsense, is that me being cynical or a realist?

There has been a lot of news and I use the term loosely about Brexit having no effect on the British Economy aside from the knee-jerk reaction it had on day when the results came out which lasted for a about couple of weeks.

All the big names that voted out are now saying it has not had any effect at all.  Err Duh!  Of course it has not had an effect we have not left yet!  We will not be leaving for at least a couple of years, the Article 50 is not due to be triggered until February 2017 which means it will not be until 2019 before we have actually left the EU assuming negotiations go without a hitch.

The effect of actually leaving the EU will start to show up about half way through 2019, maybe after six months of trading with Europe incurring import/export costs (assuming we are not allowed into the single market) plus all the extra red tape and tariffs that will be added to the cost of doing business outside the single market will begin to pile up affecting profits to British businesses.

Although the Custom & Exercise people will probably have to employ me more staff due to the extra work created by the increased red tape, so a small silver lining there.

I only hope increased trade outside of Europe will offset these losses.

Excerpt from HM Revenue & Customs Website:

"In July 2016 the value of exports (EU and Non-EU) decreased to £23.9 billion, and imports (EU and Non-EU) decreased to £39.7 billion, compared with last month. Consequently the UK is a net importer this month, with imports exceeding exports by £15.9 billion."

Check out the above link for more detailed information.

Ideally we should export more than we import however since December 2015 there has been an upward trend in imports and a small decline in exports.

This link explains the importance of exports:

The upshot is there will be no effect until the cause has actually occurred unless you are a politician/eurosceptic in Britain where upon they spin the effect before the cause.

In other news Pluto has started farting out X-rays in an attempt to be less coy on the edge of the Solar System: