I read Trump's policies after he had won to see what what we were in for and what effect he would have on the world, to say I was surprised would be a somewhat understatement. Zero evidence of a southern wall and in fact very little of what was said in sound bytes throughout the campaign appeared in his official policies. His policies are heavily watered down versions of his rhetoric, unfortunately his ideas on huge tax cuts, deregulation and massive public spending looks like a recipe for disaster. Although since he is a successful businessman I would like to think he has a better understanding of managing money and running a country than Hilary Clinton.Well the last part was, in the last few days since he has taken office the policies he intends to invoke will effectively cut American off from the rest of the world in terms of trade, science, basic human rights and the giving of aid. It is only five days into his presidency I hate to think what it will be like in a couple of years time. I would not be surprised if they started teaching Creationism in schools.
One wonders if half the population of the America are xenophobic since they voted for a man that is showing all the qualities of one. Perhaps the election was rigged after all.
His recent statement about Iraq's oil is deeply disturbing I can only hope it was one of those sound bytes that is used to misdirect the public away from other news.
That news being the Trump administration is placing a gag order on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding all webpages, social media and Twitter feeds that have climate-change information. In the land of the free, free speech just went out the window. America is taking its first steps towards a police state, historians (if there are any left) will place a marker on this day in the timeline it will say: Beginning of America's fall. There is a similar marker from last year when we in the UK voted to leave Europe.
Back in 1963 another President was killed for trying to change things for the better, maybe history will repeat itself but this time as a farce. Not that I would ever condone such an act being the pacifist that I am but it would not surprise me if Trump did not finish his full term.
Trump's Tax plan mostly benefits the top 1%, so yet again the rich get richer.
Updated 26.01.17, what a surprise NOT: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-38760792