Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Flotsam #2

DOD endorses slave labour oh wait it isn't just iPhones, what's the inside scoop who is worst?


Well its better than cherry picking the statistics to make it sound like you can save $£350 million, unfortunately it also means you cannot measure Boris's lack of success.


Who will teach the children about freedom now?


That's the problem with a British Democracy its all red tape designed for what one thing to slow down the people in power from doing something really stupid, hey maybe that's a good thing...


It is simple really play Ingress look where there is a big clump of XM switch to Pokemon, wait several days for the App to load or not at all and then...


Err we are having been living in 1984 for a long time now, how is it you have just noticed?  Perhaps you were too busy with your phones.


Not aware of his surroundings, I cannot see a smartphone anywhere.


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