Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Dog-Gate & Secret Santa Delivers Much Needed Tech


It's official Dogs are the aliens we have heard so much about and they are obviously so much in charge. Plus they are 'EVIL' according to an alleged tweet by Buzz Aldrin that the South Pole has something 'EVIL' in residence. This screenshot below from Google Maps/Earth clearly shows a giant dog carved into the Antarctic landscape this is obviously done in homage to great and all powerful Sky Dogs that secretly visit/crash our planet on a regular basis.
Of course it begs the questions about the dogs that walk the earth probably not man's best friend after all. I suspect the cats know all this which why they are content to ignore us and stay neutral in Terran affairs, as everybody knows cats spend a lot of their time in the secrets bases on the dark side of the moon.

 It just goes to show what a picture of some snow and ice can produce in the easily fearful human brain, just don’t tell THEM!

Secret Santa

Delivered to me today was much needed Tech, an telescopic stick with a light on the end much like the Alien detectors seen the 1979 film Alien see pictures below:

This Alien Detector has the added bonus of a magnetic end which allows me to capture any Aliens that are particularly metal or should they have for instance a metal dog collar on.  This improves my ability to detect Aliens a full 100%

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