Tuesday, 7 February 2017

The Luddite Dictator

It would appear Trump is unmaking America one executive order at a time most of the international community have condemned his immigration policy a truly ironic act considering he wants to make America great again, America was born out of immigration plus considering his own roots somewhat hypocritical:

"Trump is of paternal German ancestry and maternal Scottish ancestry. His mother and all his grandparents were born in Europe. His paternal grandparents were immigrants from Kallstadt, Germany, and his father..."
His recent order to begin scaling back banking regulations will probably be not spotted by most people because it is the sort of dry stuff that makes you fall asleep.  These regs were put in place after the Sub-Prime Mortgage crisis 2007-08 which wiped approximately twelve trillion dollars off the world's economy so while it is dry reading it is VERY important.

"A second order the president signed will delay an Obama-era rule that requires financial professionals who charge commissions to put their clients’ interests first when giving retirement advice."
You cannot trust anyone now!

The original deregulation occurred back in the early 80's,  America were not the only ones letting the banks do what they wanted.  Maggie Thatcher in Britain did it as well so when Sub-Prime happened we got hit as well.

Trump's administration so far is all about making the rich richer that's all it is!  Anything that costs money like science, climate change and NASA are having their budgets cut or have been put in the bin.

Basically all the things that may save our world in the future from natural and man-made disasters have been put on the scrapheap in the name of profit.  America is returning to the dark ages and the chances are they will take the rest of world along with it.

the Luddite Dictator is on drugs for his hair loss, wow how vain are you?

"...that the president takes finasteride, side effects include sexual, physical and psychological changes..."
Reminds me of another dictator that used to dye his hair, they found him hiding under a road apparently.

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