Monday 13 February 2017

Traffic Deduction

My previous post about the Luddite Dictator is getting a lot of traffic which is interesting because I have spoken and hash tagged him before so it must be one of the other tags causing this influx of traffic.

The tags used in the last post are:

  • Dictator
  • Finasteride
  • Hair
  • Immigration
  • Loss
  • Luddite
  • Nasa
  • Profit
  • SubPrime
  • Trump - used before
All the traffic is coming from Europe although most is coming from the UK.  If I reuse these tags will this post get the same amount of traffic.  Although I would be guilty of what YouTubers do, see below!

What really annoys me on YouTube posts, is the name of the video normally a BIG headline that turns out to be nothing to do with the video in question.  Yes I know they are designed to entice viewers still really annoying.  They love using adjectives in the extremist form possible.

A recent one I watched on Sunday was an interview with Edward Snowden, it said: "Everthing About Donald Trump"   Whilst Trump was mentioned a couple of times it most definitely not all about Trump.

This is how you drive traffic to your sites and it is also why Fake News sites worked so well, fiction is always more interesting than fact.  Please forgive me then for using the same tags again purely for testing purposes I will however add some extras for completeness sake.

Am I perhaps getting traffic from customers of Finasteride, sorry no help here.  Drinking hot water in the morning and evening is probably better for you, just my opinion I'm no Doctor.

I suppose it could have been down to the content of the post, I can only hope on that front.  It would be ironic though.

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