Friday 27 May 2016

Mind Snap

Following on from my previous post (although I had this idea several months ago from a fictional perspective) I was thinking about what happens to the Mind/Soul after death should it exist other than as an emergent property of the human brain.

My original idea (to be used in an Alternate Reality Game/Free Style Role Play Game) was that when the physical body dies the Mind/Soul is pulled back through time to its original point of conception/birth.  The energy created in the passage back would effectively strip away most of the memories for that person so that when it returned it would mostly be a blank slate. 

I know this sounds very like X-Men Days of Future Past however I had the idea before I saw the film.

Think of it as a reverse Wheel of Life (Indian philosophies) instead of being reincarnated in another organic body you get to live your life again and again in the same body endlessly until such time you achieve the perfect life and attain enlightenment.

Déjà vu is you remembering a previous repeat of your life which in theory would mean you are either on the right path or the wrong one depending on how you look at it.

Would this doom you to repeat your mistakes or make new ones?

This idea leads me to think of time as a flat plane where everything is happening all at the same time, an infinite Möbius strip with no boundary.   The mind/soul is connected to the physical body at both ends of its life and when one end dies it snaps back to the beginning or I suppose the end which would cause an interesting effect upon a person.

Would memory provide the answer if you are in a repeat or not?  Does everyone experience déjà vu?

An interesting thought experiment but no method to prove it.

Note: I am aware that the boffins have explained why Déjà vu occurs but it has no soul to it.

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