Sunday 15 May 2016

Nature's Way

You may have heard the news from last week that a weasel chewed into a cable at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN Switzerland thereby shutting the whole thing down and in process electrocuting itself.

The question is why and how did a weasel get in the first place?

The cost of the collider is quite amazing really £2.8bn as of January 2010 perhaps someone was hoping the weasel in the works would cause more damage and save some money a somewhat naive view I would think.

LHC is quite safe despite what other people would have you believe, the universe pretty does similar things the LHC does by design and the Earth is hit by comic radiation every second, we are still here.

CERN has provided its own slides for the day in question, see here look at slide eleven.

I find it curious that the LHC has been running for eight years without a single incidence of wild life incursion or at least none reported in the national press apart from one possible bird in 2009 which was never found.  Upon searching through the Internet I came across the following post:
NO damage has ever been caused by them they do NOT chew strings on the bales,nor electrical cables nor pee on the animal fodder... - See more at:
NO damage has ever been caused by them they do NOT chew strings on the bales,nor electrical cables nor pee on the animal fodder.
Which begs the question why was this weasel chewing on the one cable that could shutdown the LHC just when it was running causing a: "severe electrical perturbation".  According to another website:
Friday's incident came at an unfortunate time.

Scientists had been gearing up to resume experiments at the giant lab early next week following a technical stoppage of several months, and to relaunch their superpowered hunt for particles that could change our understanding of the Universe.

Following the weasel incident and several other technical issues, Marsollier said "we will now need to check over the entire machine again".

He said it remained unclear when the experiments could resume, but added that it clearly would "take more time before we can get started."
Who does it benefit that the LHC is not running?

Is there a fringe organisation out there that thinks they saved the world from destruction, did they think using a weasel would be a neat irony?  Who knows, I definitely do not.

Friday's incident came at an unfortunate time.
Scientists had been gearing up to resume experiments at the giant lab early next week following a technical stoppage of several months, and to relaunch their superpowered hunt for particles that could change our understanding of the Universe.
Following the weasel incident and several other technical issues, Marsollier said "we will now need to check over the entire machine again".
He said it remained unclear when the experiments could resume, but added that it clearly would "take more time before we can get started."

Read more at:
NO damage has ever been caused by them they do NOT chew strings on the bales,nor electrical cables nor pee on the animal fodder... - See more at:
NO damage has ever been caused by them they do NOT chew strings on the bales,nor electrical cables nor pee on the animal fodder... - See more at:

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