Friday, 24 February 2017

The Planets

NASA tells us that it has found Firefly's universe, a solar system with seven planets three of which are in a habitable zone and may have oceans.  Just one small problem, it is forty light years from us, at maximum velocity using our current technologies we can perhaps achieve 29,000 mile per hour.  Eight hundred thousand years later we can arrive at the new earths, of course the possibility that humanity had gone extinct during that period is a minor concern.  The other possibility is that a faster drive system is invented whilst the explorers are in flight and arrive just when the all planets in the solar system are bursting with human populations.  In fact the possibilities are endless, just read any 1950's pulp Scifi books.

Apparently it is a BIG discovery because basically they will be looking at the atmospheres and possibly finally say whether there is life out there.  Conspiracy theorists will say that NASA has had this information for years and only now they are just giving us a few breadcrumbs to work with, they will also probably point out that this is classical misdirection tactics to get the public's attention away from the orange terrorist that sits upon the throne of America.  I have to say the timing does seem a little bit coincidental but that's history for you, its full of such events.  Although we are working with a very small sample just ten thousand years of recorded history.

Also in the news is the possibility that Pluto will regain its planet status and the real question is do we really care?  The answer is quite simple until we are using a SatNav in our future spaceships to tell us which gravity well is a planet or not and whether we can do a handbrake turn in orbit without crashing like all those UFOs in conspiracy theories the answer is no.  Okay I admit not that simple.

Had a recent Twitter exchange with a Flat Earther telling me that all of NASA's photos are fakes:
@FlatEarthCity  Feb 21 @seadevil4 yeah maybe eventually they'll get one that looks real (but why dont they all match each other)...
Hey wait a minute none of my photos that I have taking since I had a camera match either does that mean they are all fakes.
@FlatEarthCity Feb 21 @seadevil4 yeap all fakes
It would appear so which means I do not exist, bummer!

Monday, 20 February 2017

Join The Revolution!

Today I decided to un-follow trump on Twitter it was a short time coming, his tweets are designed to do two things only:

  • Deflection/Misdirection
  • Allow members of the public to vent their feelings
I would hope everybody else that thinks trump has trampled upon the very freedoms that people around the world love would un-follow him too.  
You are only giving him the audience he craves!
Vent your feelings elsewhere somewhere it actually matters, replying to trump's tweets is like speaking into an abyss.  The man no longer deserve's a capital 't',  what amazes me is he has admitted that he got his 'news' about Sweden from Fox News despite claiming that the press is the enemy.

Apparently the White House is doing are such a good job of not telling the President anything useful he has to rely on the Press for information no wonder security adviser Michael Flynn quit.  Was he having dinner with the Russians or just trying to recover trump's unsecure phone

Incidentally nothing unusual happened in Sweden however there was an heavily reported terror attack on Saturday in Florida, USA.  Something orange appeared and then disappeared, as many as 300 million people were the victim of a savage attempt to silence the free press.  
Which is the first thing dictators of the past have done when taking control of a country.
The orange said that Sweden was in the middle of a terrorist/crime wave which left the world confused as to what the hell he was talking about.

That orange is obviously looking tired!

The problem with the orange terrorist is that he is not a politician, politicians are great at lying/avoiding the issues whilst doing the compromise shuffle with other politicians also known in some circles as diplomacy.  The Anti-Lorax however continues to show how inept and transparent (despite the orange) he is.  Just a broken record repeating the same thing over and over again!

Despite what you might think Executive Orders are not blank cheques!

America is just another business to be bankrupted by the orange terrorist!

Monday, 13 February 2017

Traffic Deduction

My previous post about the Luddite Dictator is getting a lot of traffic which is interesting because I have spoken and hash tagged him before so it must be one of the other tags causing this influx of traffic.

The tags used in the last post are:

  • Dictator
  • Finasteride
  • Hair
  • Immigration
  • Loss
  • Luddite
  • Nasa
  • Profit
  • SubPrime
  • Trump - used before
All the traffic is coming from Europe although most is coming from the UK.  If I reuse these tags will this post get the same amount of traffic.  Although I would be guilty of what YouTubers do, see below!

What really annoys me on YouTube posts, is the name of the video normally a BIG headline that turns out to be nothing to do with the video in question.  Yes I know they are designed to entice viewers still really annoying.  They love using adjectives in the extremist form possible.

A recent one I watched on Sunday was an interview with Edward Snowden, it said: "Everthing About Donald Trump"   Whilst Trump was mentioned a couple of times it most definitely not all about Trump.

This is how you drive traffic to your sites and it is also why Fake News sites worked so well, fiction is always more interesting than fact.  Please forgive me then for using the same tags again purely for testing purposes I will however add some extras for completeness sake.

Am I perhaps getting traffic from customers of Finasteride, sorry no help here.  Drinking hot water in the morning and evening is probably better for you, just my opinion I'm no Doctor.

I suppose it could have been down to the content of the post, I can only hope on that front.  It would be ironic though.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

The Luddite Dictator

It would appear Trump is unmaking America one executive order at a time most of the international community have condemned his immigration policy a truly ironic act considering he wants to make America great again, America was born out of immigration plus considering his own roots somewhat hypocritical:

"Trump is of paternal German ancestry and maternal Scottish ancestry. His mother and all his grandparents were born in Europe. His paternal grandparents were immigrants from Kallstadt, Germany, and his father..."
His recent order to begin scaling back banking regulations will probably be not spotted by most people because it is the sort of dry stuff that makes you fall asleep.  These regs were put in place after the Sub-Prime Mortgage crisis 2007-08 which wiped approximately twelve trillion dollars off the world's economy so while it is dry reading it is VERY important.

"A second order the president signed will delay an Obama-era rule that requires financial professionals who charge commissions to put their clients’ interests first when giving retirement advice."
You cannot trust anyone now!

The original deregulation occurred back in the early 80's,  America were not the only ones letting the banks do what they wanted.  Maggie Thatcher in Britain did it as well so when Sub-Prime happened we got hit as well.

Trump's administration so far is all about making the rich richer that's all it is!  Anything that costs money like science, climate change and NASA are having their budgets cut or have been put in the bin.

Basically all the things that may save our world in the future from natural and man-made disasters have been put on the scrapheap in the name of profit.  America is returning to the dark ages and the chances are they will take the rest of world along with it.

the Luddite Dictator is on drugs for his hair loss, wow how vain are you?

"...that the president takes finasteride, side effects include sexual, physical and psychological changes..."
Reminds me of another dictator that used to dye his hair, they found him hiding under a road apparently.