NASA tells us that it has found Firefly's universe, a solar system with seven planets three of which are in a habitable zone and may have oceans. Just one small problem, it is forty light years from us, at maximum velocity using our current technologies we can perhaps achieve 29,000 mile per hour. Eight hundred thousand years later we can arrive at the new earths, of course the possibility that humanity had gone extinct during that period is a minor concern. The other possibility is that a faster drive system is invented whilst the explorers are in flight and arrive just when the all planets in the solar system are bursting with human populations. In fact the possibilities are endless, just read any 1950's pulp Scifi books.
Apparently it is a BIG discovery because basically they will be looking at the atmospheres and possibly finally say whether there is life out there. Conspiracy theorists will say that NASA has had this information for years and only now they are just giving us a few breadcrumbs to work with, they will also probably point out that this is classical misdirection tactics to get the public's attention away from the orange terrorist that sits upon the throne of America. I have to say the timing does seem a little bit coincidental but that's history for you, its full of such events. Although we are working with a very small sample just ten thousand years of recorded history.
Also in the news is the possibility that Pluto will regain its planet status and the real question is do we really care? The answer is quite simple until we are using a SatNav in our future spaceships to tell us which gravity well is a planet or not and whether we can do a handbrake turn in orbit without crashing like all those UFOs in conspiracy theories the answer is no. Okay I admit not that simple.
Had a recent Twitter exchange with a Flat Earther telling me that all of NASA's photos are fakes:
@FlatEarthCity Feb 21 @seadevil4 yeah maybe eventually they'll get one that looks real (but why dont they all match each other)...Hey wait a minute none of my photos that I have taking since I had a camera match either does that mean they are all fakes.
@FlatEarthCity Feb 21 @seadevil4 yeap all fakesIt would appear so which means I do not exist, bummer!