What is that saying:
"If you wait long enough the head your enemy will float down the river in front of you...."I assume that I would have to live by a river and sit on a bench beside it plus hopefully the river does not have a fast current otherwise I might missed if it passed by too quickly. What happens if I am at work then I am bound to miss it, perhaps I could re-engineer the river so that stuff that is as big as a human head (assuming of course my enemy is human) travels on a loop which would increase the chances of me seeing it pass in front of me whilst I am sitting on the bench.
I know what you are thinking that this saying was probably not meant to be taken literally but if not literally does that mean that if I wait long enough then my enemy will be defeated if so how will I know? If waited too long then I would be dead too!
As sayings goes it is not very helpful at all.
The thing is all rivers ultimately end up in one place, the sea okay I will admit some end up in lakes as well but effectively it will be a large body of water. Which means the saying it inaccurate unless you know for a fact your enemy lives upstream to you and never travels downstream to you.
Perhaps if I wait long enough I will see the head of my enemy stitched onto another body entirely.