Thursday 9 June 2016

Last Laugh...

When you look at the theory of evolution you have to understand the timescales involved most people do no get to grips with how big they really are.  You are looking at millions of years, mankind has been knocking around for about ten thousand years which is a nth of the time that organic species on the planet have been evolving.

People also look at evolution as purely the survival of the fittest which is a considerable simplification, a better one would be: the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits.

Mankind's reign upon the planet has been a very short one compared to the age of the planet (4.5 billion years).  We think because we are the dominant species (currently), that somehow that makes us above evolution or nature for that matter.  Anybody that has been at the mercy of extreme weather or an earthquake will I think beg to differ.

Medical science, morals and ethics have progressed to point that babies that were considered to be unhealthy, premature or just undesirable are no longer killed at birth.  Survival is not necessarily about the fittest anymore although to apply evolution to man will take longer than just a mere ten thousand years.  The question is does our science allow us to side step evolution or will mother nature have the last laugh.

Disease is Mother nature's scythe and whilst we have stamped out many diseases/viruses there are many more out there that becoming resistance to man's medicine.  Some viruses are jumping from animal to man for instance the avian bird flu or mad cow disease.  Mother nature does not have a plan it is just a blind watchmaker to paraphrase Richard Dawkins.  At the cellular level viruses can and do evolve faster, you are not looking at millions of years they can make billions of copies of themselves in day.  Each copy could have a error/mutation which may make it stronger/resistant to attack or not as the case may be.

Who will have the last laugh, I will probably never know in my lifetime unless the Universe decides to use the Earth as target practice with an asteroid or two.

Personally I am betting on the blind watchmaker.

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