Sunday 26 June 2016

Planned Chaos

This is my very last post on the EU referendum after this I am moving on to other things.  Looking back on the two campaigns it seems to me that the Remain bunch were not trying particular hard at all, one would think they were trying to lose.  Was Cameron looking for a good excuse to resign?  Both France and Germany did there level best to scare us into staying like that has ever worked historically.  I know what you are thinking that it is beginning sound very conspiracy theory, still it seems a little odd.

Then we have Nigel Farage's statement about not guaranteeing £350 million to the NHS, the perfect man for the job not an MP no longer a MEP since the exit.  I am just waiting for the next big scandal in Westminster regarding exactly how much the EU referendum cost the taxpayer.  It definitely feels like the Government used the British public in a gigantic magic trick, pick any card and we ended up with one they wanted to us take.  Why do you think Farage was happy to sit on national television and tell everyone that the main marketing slogan on the side of the bus was a lie.

As for the Bank of England and the £250 million injection has it happened or not?  They said they willing to do it:
The Bank of England announced it will make a further £250 billion available to banks in a bid to steady the markets following the dramatic post-Brexit crash.
The thing is the FTSE made a significant recovery by the close of business on Friday, does the Bank of England really want to risk a hike in inflation?

This vote has split the nation in two but how long will it last, well Britain's Got Talent does not start again until next year so I will be interested to see what misdirection(s) happen next.

I am being extremely cynical or just good at reading into between lines, only the future knows for sure.  Ironic that half of us are stuck in the past, which half is anybodies guess.

Additional Note: Was it all a pointless vote and we will have to wait for an Act of Parliament to trigger Article 50 so we can leave. The lights are still on.

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