Thursday 30 June 2016

Selfish Meme

Social media is selfish, people on Twitter for instance will follow expecting to be follow back.  Even people’s profiles state that they will follow you back if you follow them.  And how many friends do you have on Facebook that you actually know personally in the flesh, spoken to face to face.

I have noticed recently having promoted this blog using Twitter using various hash-tags for each post that more people are following me and based upon their own tweets it would seem that they had not bothered to read my actual blog post.  If they had they probably not have followed me, they have assumed from the hash-tag that I would be interested in their tweets.  I have been added into an addiction list based upon the #drug I put on blog post about coffee, so if you want people to follow you use lots of hash-tags.

It is not necessarily just the Internet, how often do you ask someone how they are expecting them to ask you the same so can tell them what bad day you are having?  The Internet (Social Media) however seems to have extended our selfish capabilities by giving us different tools to let the world know you exist.  Would this then be also a selfish blog?

I would like to think my blog is my altruism kicking in, whilst I do promote on Google+ and Twitter the reason I want people to read it is because they may find it interesting and/or informative.

Social Media is the perfect transport for the selfish meme, not all memes are Internet based at least not yet.

Here is an example of a Meme that never dies: Downfall

Particularly funny and very topical, some might say it is not actually selfish?!?

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