Tuesday 5 July 2016

It's Bad for You

New research says that eating pasta is good you, err duh!  I could have told them that, once when I was snowed in and could not be bothered to walk up the icy hill to the corner shop I only ate pasta all week, I lost nearly a stone.

I have lost count of the number of times new research tells me something normally considered bad for me is actually good for me, to site a few examples:
  • Red Wine
  • Pasta
  • Eggs
  • Saturated fat/red meat
  • Butter
  • Avocados
Basically everything is bad for you if you eat/drink too much of it, having a balance diet keeps you healthy and hopefully sane too.  That being said I am myself completely terrible for eating stuff that is definitely bad for me normally in the form of comfort foods.  Takeaways are very bad for me and ones that deliver are far worse. 

Tonight I am being good-ish, steak with steamed greens and instant bisto onion sauce.  The steak is seasoned with rock salt, black pepper and celery seeds fried using groundnut oil which good for you unless you suffer from peanut allergies then well very bad for you although apparently refined oil will not cause allergic reactions.

People seem to think food allergies is a recent thing however there is no evidence to suggest this because it was not until the 19th & 20th centuries that trade around the world had reached a level that you could go into most food shops and buy pretty much every food imaginable or nowadays buy it online.  Peanuts themselves were originally from South American/Brazil/Peru regions, so until mass production/transport came into effect not everyone had access to certain foods.  The chances are allergies have always been with us just waiting.

You would think traveling to other countries and eating the local cuisine is a good thing but Mother Nature has other ideas on the subject.  Of course now you can buy food from the other side of the world from the supermarket, the allergies come to you.

Next time you see research telling you that something is good for you, I suggest you take it with a pinch of  sea/rock salt.
Refined table salt is poisonous to the body and is responsible, in great part, to the onset of many terrible diseases including thyroid and metabolic dysfunction.
That sounds bad to me, oh wait...

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