I am currently a bit fed up with politics so I have decided to post up a short story I wrote in 2014/15 based upon another story I wrote whilst in school. I have split it up into nine parts and epilogue, Enjoy.
Looking down the Road seeing the carnage dotted along the one mile stretch suggests to me that perhaps this simple bet is not so simple after all. Okay I admit I was little drunk and I there was a girl involved, you've got to impress the ladies these days with something spectacular. I had heard little about the Road before hand but you hear so many tall tales these days since the D-Shifts started it is normally more talk than actual fact.
Wearing the sunglasses definitely helps when you look at it, whodathought I'd been wearing shades at midnight. Apparently even shades don't work during the day it is just too bright to see anything.
Most of the wrecks are off to side of the Road except for the middle bit however if I stay in the middle of the Road I should be okay, famous last words I know. Except for the school bus about two thirds down that's on its side covering most of the Road. There is just enough gap to let my old hunker through, I'd probably loose a little paint not that it has much to begin with.
I'm fortunate in that my hunker runs on gas not electric, one bolt from The Storm would take out an electric car. I was completely okay with the bet until someone told me that whilst my hunker is a Faraday cage The Storm itself isn't quite all electrical in nature since they think it is a by-product of the D-Shifts. Didn't stop somebody suggesting I connect a trailing cable to the hunker to avoid my tyres from melting which did seem like a good idea at the time. Beware of good ideas they are like good intentions but far worst.
Hey just travel one mile down route 101 what could possibly go wrong! My Dad would be laughing his ass off right about now if he weren't dead, he'd been saying "Got yourself in a right pickle this time son haven't you, I'm not here this time to fix your mess." Not that he fixed any of my messes he normally made them far worst, of course when the D-Shifts started even doing simple things like ploughing a field became a complex operation.
I am sure you are aware of what the D-Shifts did to modern day life, if you were rich you could afford to live in the protected zones but the rest of us mugs just had to make do. It wasn't too bad really you just had to avoid them, bit like not stepping on mines in a minefield. Mines however would just kill you, a D-Shift could do very nasty things to you and you never knew what because because they were so random in nature. Most of my messes involved the ploughshare snagging a D-Shift, I mean most of the time you know when a D-Shift is about to appear cause you get the signs first (the big scientists call them Time Interdimensional Effects or TIEs for short). Us farm-boys just know when you see a crows flying backwards in a circle and there is a blue simmer roughly in the center the chances are a D-Shift is about to occur. Doesn't always happen of course, not always crows and sometimes you don't even get the signs. Tom Blank my Dad's mate a couple miles from our farm woke one morning with D-Shift completely encircling his house, they had to get the government chaps in with a special shield to clear a path to get Tom and his family out. The government is meant to have early warning system too! Not even a blip regarding Tom's farm, of course he let his D-Shift insurance lapse, makes you wonder don't it?
That was a few years ago now, the rich folk live in their protected zones and everyone else is playing hide and go seek with the D-Shifts.
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