Ib: No reason, what is that flashing light on the console?
Ob: What light, Oh that light it has been flashing since we came into orbit. I assumed it was broken.
Ib: Why would you assume that?
Ob: Because it is the artifact light, you know the one that comes with every ship sold.
Ib: The one that is meant to flash in the presence of an immensely powerful artifact, that one?
Ob: Yes, I mean it is a complete Space Purple Panug!
Ib: Language! Besides I happen to know it is all true, which means this trip is not a waste of rotations.
Ob: Really! How do you know it is true?
Ib: Because of IGal!
Ob: But IGal is a...
Ib: Come on you can say it, you are after all a Rebel! IGal is a what?
Ob: Female!
Ib: There you go how hard was that! How did you think I passed my exams? She was a huge source of data.
Ob: But she not even of our race...
Ib: Not much of a Rebel are you, cannot see even past your own orbs.
Ob: Fine. Well according to the location matrix the artifact is in a Muse of Ums.
Ib: Are you reading that right, what is Ums? Here let me look. Thought so, that says Muse of Urns.
Ob: Really and what it that exactly?
Ib: Well according to the communication probes a building that contains objects older than the present.
Ob: Perhaps it has been lost in translation, although I suppose it is a good place for an artifact to be. According to the scanner the building is filled with bipeds, you will have to go in disguise.
Ib: Really let me guess your suggesting I wear a Chameleon suit?
Ob: Well I cannot wear it, you know how it affects me.
Ib: Okay, however where did get this suit from?
Ob: One of the Science Club members lent it to me.
Ib: Lent or gave?
Ob: We just need to turn off the default setting to C'raf 4, that was the last place it was used.
Ib: What! C'raf 4 only have two beings on it and there is no proof that either are intelligent. Which one was it set to the Sand or 9Waver?
Ob: I do wish you would not call them by their shorten names!
Ib: Really you me want to spending sixty rotations saying two names?
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