- Develop a theory based upon existing data and other current theories
- Make observations
- Think about it, why is this happening
- Come up with a Hypotheses – causes
- Test your hypothesis with experiments
- Update your theory and start the whole process over again
Science has this problem with the universe, when looking out into the universe there appears to be an awful lot of stuff we cannot see not for lack of trying I might add. We are using every method possible to see stuff in universe and yet our universe has parts missing. I expect the box it came in says somewhere on the back: May contain small dark parts (do not give to small children).
27% of the observable universe is missing so to fix their theory of Everything scientists have come up with a bodge factor called: Dark Matter which is supposedly composed of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) however despite different methods of detection none have been found so far.
In the 1990s after observations of the universe showed it to be expanding at an increasing rate a new form of energy was hypothesized to exist called: Dark Energy which apparently is the cause of the expansion. All evidence is so far is indirect and completely over my head regarding the actual science.
Dark Flow first appeared in 2008 showing that galaxy clusters had a peculiar velocity and they are flowing in a common direction towards the Centaurus and Hydra constellations which is also towards the Great Attractor. Is the Great Attractor the source of the Dark Flow and do we really have to name the velocity Dark something? How about Spooky velocity instead, oh yes that has been used already.
In 2014 scientists claimed that the universe is missing eighty percent of its light to fix this glaring issue they came up with Dark Light which is created by decaying Dark Matter that matter nobody can currently find. See article here: 80% Light Missing
Four universal bodge factors to make their theory of Everything work. The problem with applying the scientific method step five is that it all too far away making it extremely difficult do testable experiments. There are however quite few scientists out there that have alternate theories regarding the Dark stuff.
If we look down at the quantum level we have a problem seeing particles because basically they are really small and we have to use instruments like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to detect anything useful and even then certain particles are quite elusive particularly anything dark or Higgs like.
Surely with all this dark stuff in universe we can persuade it to make an appearance by creating the conditions that it cannot say no to. The LHC is probably one method although so far it has failed to yield results, please correct me if I am wrong.
I find it annoying that whenever something is missing in the universe it is immediately labelled Dark something, yes I understand why but it seems to lack imagination. I'm currently missing a work polo shirt does that mean I should say Dark Forces have taken my shirt. How about we described stuff the correct way.
- Dark Matter = Missing Matter
- Dark Energy = Expanding/Missing Energy
- Dark Flow = Missing Flow
- Dark Light = Missing Light
Update on my previous post: Smoke and Mirrors is Stranger than Fiction
My recent of understanding regarding quantum stuff has changed today as you could see in the above previous post, where I stated about observation of particles:
Atomic particles pop in and out of existence when we "observe" them or not...Well that turns out to be a complete misunderstanding of the cat theory which is just a thought experiment and a common misconception of what a wave function is by us lay-persons. A wave function is a mathematical description of a particle instead anything actually real.
I shall leave the previous post as is since it provides of evidence of the one true constant in the universe: Change.
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